Three Things You Should Know Before You Seek Out Financing For Your Car


1) Most car salesmen do not want you to know about this, but you can actually get your financing done at a bank for a lower rate. A dealership wants to raise your rates on purpose. Go to your bank first and speak with them. They can go over your credit score and see what your options are. 

Once you have the deal done, then go back to the dealership and look at the car. Show the guy your papers during the negotiating. Once you get the financing done elsewhere, then this should bring down your car payment down. 

2) Ladies, this one is for you. You may notice that the guy is trying to flirt with you. He is not actually interested in you personally. He is using a technique to lower your guard. Once he has you in his back pocket, then he can move in for the kill. Most car salesmen do not have an interest in you. They are only doing it to close a deal. The more receptive you are to his advances, the more he is going to scam you. Salesmen will try this on women who are a bit more naive about the car buying process. All it takes is one kind remark for most women to fold.

Please do not fall for this when it happens. Keep your business hat on and keep it professional.

3) Some of you may be using a trade-in as part of your deal. You better know the exact payoff you should be getting for it. Those of you have a higher payoff than expected, you may need to do some more negotiating. Those of you whose tradeoff amount is lower than what you expected, you may be facing higher interest rates. 

You need to know how much your old car is worth before you use it as a bargaining chip. Do not become one of those clients where it works against you, not for you.


See vehicle finance nz for more information.